Saturday, April 11, 2009

Colossians 1:17

"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

Being in science I've learned a lot about how impossibly complex life and all the components of life really are. Every professor has their own way of explaining it: "Wow, nature is just an amazing designer", "It's hard to believe this all happened by chance...but there it is", "Really it looks complex, and it is, but it all figured itself out"
Before going on to what scripture says about this complexity I must be reminded of my and everyone else's complete incapability of understanding this ourselves (more on this later)
Jesus Christ, created and sustains everything. EVERYTHING. why everything, well because everything needs sustaining. All it takes is one biology class for the believer in Christ to look at it and see WOW this creation really needs God in control and it really does have God in control. I could give countless examples of things that I have learned in the past year but just look out side and know everything you see, eat, touch...all of it is being upheld by God. Here I'll give one example:
Did you know that the air you breath isn't just oxygen. It is only 21% oxygen. Here's the cool part, if it were more than the average lifespan would continually decrease because increased oxygen concentration is a bad thing. If it were less breathing would be more difficult and eventually there would not be enough to sustain you. God created you and everything else in such a way that it all works in complete perfect equilibrium (had to throw the scientific word in there) and He did it all just by speaking. God didn't sit down for a couple thousand years to plan out just how everything was going to work together. He spoke and it was made.
That's the Jesus Christ I worship
the one who knows every answer to my tests because He made everything
the one who knows exactly what I am thinking because He made my mind and knows it better than I do
the one who died for me and rose again because He knows my need for a savior from my sins
My incapability of understanding this is so necessary at this point. I think so often that I've come to this amazing conclusion on my own, that Jesus is awesome, and I think "why don't others see it". but i must remember that it is only because of the call from God and the opening of my eyes (nothing of my own power) that i was able to see
Jesus Christ is before all things
In Him ALL things hold together
All things
Thats awesome