Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Verse of the Day Philippians 4: 17

"And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus"

So verse 6 - do not be anxious, and verse 8 - whatever is true... are both known well by everyone
and while verse seven isn't really unknown it's mainly over shawdowed by these to verses
I find that interesting because of how awesome verse 7 really is.
In verse 5 Paul rights "Let your reasonableness be know to everyone"... bascially let everyone know by your actions that you are wise and understanding... but in verse 7 God is giving peace so great that even this understanding won't account for it. Even with all the knowledge of the future and the perfect plans for what is to come there won't be a peace like that which God will provide.
But this amazing peace is not just going to happen, verse 6 tells us to not be anxious, but be thankful and present our requests to God and (or THEN) the peace of God will guard our hears!
So two things -
1) you can't find a better peace than there is found in Christ
2) be thankful - rejoicing in all circumstances in order that peace may come
It is really easy to say, and so hard to do as there are always so many problems to fix and things to think about, but while the solution isn't easy, it is simple...just be thankful. Be thankful for all that God has done and is doing... in that you will see how He will act as He always has and that will bring the peace that surpasses understanding
So what are you thankful for?