"And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus"
So verse 6 - do not be anxious, and verse 8 - whatever is true... are both known well by everyone
and while verse seven isn't really unknown it's mainly over shawdowed by these to verses
I find that interesting because of how awesome verse 7 really is.
In verse 5 Paul rights "Let your reasonableness be know to everyone"... bascially let everyone know by your actions that you are wise and understanding... but in verse 7 God is giving peace so great that even this understanding won't account for it. Even with all the knowledge of the future and the perfect plans for what is to come there won't be a peace like that which God will provide.
But this amazing peace is not just going to happen, verse 6 tells us to not be anxious, but be thankful and present our requests to God and (or THEN) the peace of God will guard our hears!
So two things -
1) you can't find a better peace than there is found in Christ
2) be thankful - rejoicing in all circumstances in order that peace may come
It is really easy to say, and so hard to do as there are always so many problems to fix and things to think about, but while the solution isn't easy, it is simple...just be thankful. Be thankful for all that God has done and is doing... in that you will see how He will act as He always has and that will bring the peace that surpasses understanding
So what are you thankful for?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Verse of the Day Philippians 4: 17
Posted by SMAK at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Verse of the Day Philippians 3: 12
"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own"
Paul is talking about obtaining the resurrection from the dead
Clearly he is not dead when writing this so it would be impossible for him to have obtained resurrection. He is most likely referring to the continually progress in a Christ followers life. As he emphasizes in Philippians, there is a need to constantly be becoming more like Christ and not sit around with insurance for being saved.
So Paul, in line with all that he has written so far to the Philippians presents himself as an example as he truly desires and will press on to make this sanctification his own. And he does it for the very reason it is available to him. Those who are in Christ have been made to belong to Christ and because of that such a desire to make a life of Christ our own should be at the top of the priority list. There really is no other priorities than making Christ your own.
This is because as you follow Christ and continually press on to make Him your own, you WILL be doing the things that Christ has called you to; namely, looking after others in love as you look after the needs of yourself (2:4)
I like that idea, the idea of pressing on. I need to do it a lot in school, but of a much more necessity is to press on in my life with Christ
Posted by SMAK at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Verse of the Day Philippians 2: 22
"But you know Timothy's proven worth, how as a son with a father he has served with me in the gospel"
I've always pictured Paul as the guy that everyone wants to see
All the churches know about him, and have heard his words and are always encouraged by what he has to say
It's clear from scripture that Paul longs to visit these churches and the churches long for him to come to them
But imagine now Timothy
Although Timothy didn't write any letters or have quite the reputation of Paul, he was clearly loved by the church and Paul is sending him to the Philippians for their encouragement
I think of Timothy as the guy who encourages everyone all the time, not because of his relation to anyone else so that he can maintain the view they have of him, but because he is genuinely concerned for the people.
Timothy was not going to the Philippians to provide a substitute for Paul, he was going to encourage them himself.
His attitude was that of Christ Jesus - putting the interests of others before his own
I get so excited when I hear about so and so coming to guest speak at church, but even more so I am encouraged when a close friend or someone who I've known for a long time that is always uplifting and always brings good news is coming.
Both are equally good, but the majority of Christians aren't speakers or pastors, most of us are like Timothy, and although was have opportunities to speak to people, and teach, our main focus is to be an encouragement to those around us, to be loving and to have a genuine heart of concern for our brothers and sisters in Christ, so when people hear that you are going to be around in the near future, do they think of your encouragement in Christ, or something that has nothing to do with God at all?
Posted by SMAK at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Verse of the Day Philippians 2: 12-13
"Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for i his good pleasure."
This is where I always get confused
I mean Paul is speaking to believers in the faith, so when he says work out your salvation he is not talking about the regeneration, meaning he is not saying you could work to gain salvation
He is addressing those who have always obeyed, to keep obeying, not content with the glories of their past obedience but to continue to learn and act as Christ followers - this is why Paul follows the verse with - do all things without grumbling or questioning - he is continuing to show the Philippians how to act
The amazing thing is that it isn't us in that effect either "for it is God who works in you"
God is the one bringing salvation and He is the one who is working out this salvation in us
Our 'job' or call is to obey Christ with fear in trembling, not worrying about the final outcome for we know that God is working out for His good pleasure
Where I get confused is when Paul says that he ma be proud that he did not run in vain,
so how could Paul's efforts and work for Christ in teaching the Philippians and other church be vain if God is the one who works out our salvation to His good pleasure
God's efforts are never thwarted and His glory is never diminished, so does that mean none of our efforts for His kingdom are in vain, and if that is true what is Paul saying?
Well I'm not entirely sure yet so I'm going to ask and look it up
But my thought on it is that although we are called to live an abundant life in Christ and God works in us, we turn from that and sin Paul wants to make sure that from his efforts that those he is leading would be living in Christ's abundance and proclaiming Him as well
Posted by SMAK at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Verse of the Day Philippians 2: 7-8
"But made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."
As followers of Christ we seek to follow Him, and with that a desire comes to seek other believers who are examples of Christ and who you can learn from. This passage show Christ as the perfect example. We would never be asked to do anything that Christ never did, but we also have the hardest getting to the places He did.
Not only did Christ humble Himself, from being in the form (equality) of God, but from that He continually humbled Himself to the point of death. How humbling is that for us to know, and alternatively why aren't we more humbled by it everyday of our lives?
The bible speaks often of humbling ourselves, and often I can find a few things that allow me to follow through with this, but I don't very often continue, I find higher purposes and forget about others and focus on myself. If I am to truly following Christ I need to be continually humbling myself, not with one or two acts every time I read a passage on humility, but everyday seeking ways to exalt Christ and put others before myself
Jesus Christ who is exalted above every other name, became a servant, and died obediently on the cross
Jesus was and is the example of love in complete humility
Follow His example and humble yourself by seeking humbling roles and focusing on the needs of others
Posted by SMAK at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
Verse of the Day Philippians 1:29
"For it had been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake"
So God has given suffering to His followers as a gift!
I don't know about you but there is a part of me that wants to say.. um thanks God but just the belief part for now is good I'll take the suffering later
No one likes suffering...so why is it described as a gift?
Well because it is a gift
So far in Philippians Paul has been talking about living for Christ
He understands that there is no other purpose to his life and whether he dies and gets to be with Jesus, or lives and gets to suffer for Jesus both are awesome things in his mind
What is your mindset?
I find myself distracted, in love with some wordly things, and hardly ever rejoicing because I am suffering. But Paul was "hard pressed" between dying and suffering for Christ
So suffering is a gift, but you will truely live with thankfulness for suffering if you are living the way Paul says that "to live IS Christ"
So when was the last time you were thankful for suffering?
Posted by SMAK at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Verse of the Day Philippians 1:14
"And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear."
Paul is once again full of encouraging words to his readers. We know that he is in prison as he writes this letter and he wants the Philippians, who are no doubt worried about him, to know that his imprisonment has really served to advance the gospel (the whole purpose).
Now he is calling them out pretty much, to be more bold, telling them that the brothers Rome are being more bold as they proclaim the gospel. Paul is an incredible example of one who sees no other purpose but that of proclaiming the gospel and even as he is in prison it remains the only topic of his life
As we live for Christ it is so easy to be 'most of the brothers' who see the boldness of others and follow along, or even the brothers that aren't mentioned that are not increasing in boldness.
It is so awesome that God would use the example of Paul to increase the boldness of those around him, and in the world today we definitely need more of that
But instead of waiting and looking for that one person to be bold and follow by example we must be looking for opportunities to step out first, to proclaim Christ because that is what we are called to, not because we see how it is working for others
Be encouraged to know that Paul did that. God used Paul and blessed him as he stepped out in faith, to Paul there was no if's or buts and God uses people like that. God will provide the courage, the words, the grace, all we are called to do is continually proclaim Christ no matter what
Posted by SMAK at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Verse of the Day Philippians 1:6
"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ"
Paul is greatly encouraged by the Philippians as he tells of the joy he finds as he prays for them. With that he desires to encourage them as well. He doesn't do so with untrue words or flattery but by simply telling them of the assurance they have in Christ.
Important for them to know, and for us today, is that is is God who has begun this good work in us. This is both an incredibly humbling thing as well as a great encouragement. It is humbling to know that there is nothing about my life today, about my relationship with Christ that has not been brought about by my own will or power. This 'good work' that we see as we become more like Christ is entirely God's work. This is doubly encouraging because...well because it is God who is doing the work and not me. I know I often I wish to credit myself with good things and as I fall because of this pride I am relieved to know that it is God who is providing me with strength, with joy, and with abundant mercies everyday. God has always provided, never failed, and has saved me through the blood of Christ, none of that is my doing and once I see this, the encouragement and joy overflow
To add emphasis Paul states 'to completion as the day of Jesus Christ' - God will continue to work in the follower of Christs life forever until Christ returns - Thats Awesome
Posted by SMAK at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Verse of the Day Ephesians 6: 16
" In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one"
In all circumstances..
Now if I were going into battle I don't think I would have a problem remembering to bring my shield, I would never complain about carrying this huge thing around because I know how important it is to keeping me self. No matter how tired I am or how many other things I have to carry, the shield would be high on the list of things to keep
So when it comes to a much more important battle of life in Christ we need to remember the absolute necessity of taking up the shield of faith.
No matter what my day looks like, no matter how tired I am or how busy or how frustrated, if I don't remember this, I am open for attack from temptation
So what does it mean to take up the shield of faith, well just like all of the other parts of the armor, it takes a conscious decision to take it up, being purposeful and remembering to do it all the time. For a shield of faith would be a remembrance of God's protection in past circumstances and a knowledge of His word that will give future assurance of protection. As you surround yourself with God's word and with other christians who are constantly building you up in Christ, you find yourself able to block temptation much easier. This means memorizing God's word "Your word oh Lord have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you", getting accountability - finding people to talk with and encourage and be encouraged by and to hold you accountable to what God's word calls us to
Faith is believing the word of God and acting upon it, no matter how I feel, because God promises a good result
Without the shield of faith, temptation will come, and sin will follow, but with it you may, as Paul states over and over in chapter 6, be able to stand and prevail
Remember that it is an everyday thing, an all the time thing, and a no matter how I feel thing
Posted by SMAK at 6:44 AM 0 comments