Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Long overdue verse of the day Ephesians 4:28

"Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need."

It is pretty easy to become a thief, and everyone is familiar with stealing personally. Whether it is a car or simply not returning something you borrowed knowing they would forget about it, stealing is stealing. I know it is a cliche to say that, but we forget these simple things to often. So why do we steal? Well it most often comes from laziness and greed. "It takes to much effort to make the money for this" or "No one will notice it is gone" are common to why people steal.
Paul has used this 'thief' image to show the transition of a sinful person who is 'lazy' and 'greedy' to the regenerate person who is called to labor doing honest work.
As Christians, no matter what we do, it should be with a full effort in honesty so that there is no need to steal. But this is only part of the reason we work hard. God is glorified in the servant who works hard, but He is also glorified in the servant who works hard in order that he may share with those in need.
As I worked last summer I knew that it was for the Lord and I worked really hard, but I rarely ever thought of helping others with the provisions that God had granted to me, I just thought about the work and the paycheck. This can so easily lead back to the laziness and greed that a thief is characterized with because if a hard work saves up lots of money then less work may be needed and no generosity is seen.
We are called, as Christians, to labor honestly in order that we may share with those in need, and this is for all Christians not matter where you are in life.
So make sure that you are not getting lazy, or that the honest labor you are doing is not only for a check and a pleasing of the Lord but so that you can share with others...not only with your money, but with time and encouragement as well