Monday, January 19, 2009

Verse of the day - Ephesians 1: 21

"far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come."

Paul is referring to the place which God has established Jesus Christ. If ever there was a verse to show to those skeptics out there who say that Jesus was just a good guy, or a prophet or whatever, this is that verse. Jesus is not only above all rulers past, present (while Paul wrote this), AND future (today and forever), He is FAR above, it is not even a competition. So although there has been and continue to will be new people who say they're the new way to God or they've realized they are the second coming or anything like that, we know that Christ has already be established by God as the authority and power over all and we will most assuredly know it is Him when He returns, praise God for that as we remember to pray earnestly that He might come today :)
With all the elections going on, even though I'm more apathetic than I should be about it all, there are far to many Christians worry about whats going to happen
It is necessary and a good thing to vote and to know what is going on, but it is so much more important to keep the focus on Christ who is in authority over everything, especially our lives.
Don't worry about tomorrow, the authority of today and forever is in control and He always comes through