Monday, January 28, 2008

Middle Name Mayhem

If you could have any middle name in the world what would it be?
Now you may be thinking, where does a question like that come from?
Well I was recently involved in a conversation involving the best birthday present a kid could ever get
Now imagine this:
when your son, or perhaps daughter, is born you have the choice of giving them any middle name in the world. Thomas, John, Andrew, just don't cut it anymore in terms of great middle names, you need to be adventurous. So why not have some amazing fun with it and, as an added bonus, take care of there birthday present for when they turn 10.
Give them a middle name like "The Destroyer"
Can't you see it. Timothy Fredrick Johnson, now it TIM "THE DESTROYER" JOHNSON.
All you have to do is wait till there 10th birthday to tell them and then give them there birth certificate as their present.
Really what kid in the world wouldn't want that to be their name.
You could add any variation you like. Some that I've thought of are:
Bradley Smith to Brad "The Rad" Smith
Lance King to Lance "The Romance" King
David Thomas to Dave "The Wendy's Guy" Thomas
These are just a few of the amazing idea's for kids names
think about