Monday, June 22, 2009

Colossians 3:4

When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory

for this verse today i'm less interested in the last part as the first
i'm focused on the "who is your life" part
I call myself a Christian
I believe in His life and death and resurrection and have called on Him by faith
so, Christ is my life
now how often am I really and truly living that out
that I have nothing but Christ as my life
In the world today there is so much for me to grab a hold of that I can say "Christ and something else " is my life
The previous verses speak about seeking Christ and the things above where Christ is
This is how I am to live as Christ and not as myself
Myself is worldly and will not ever seek after Christ
But I have been raised with Christ and I must seek Him that He may be my life