Monday, March 17, 2008


Go back to the days of you childhood, for some of us it seems like yesterday
Do you remember those really lame arguments? "I'm better", "I'm stronger" , "I'm faster"
We could always find something bigger and better about ourselves and make sure everyone knew about it.
As we grow we forget about the pointless arguments but continue in our belief that we are better
But most often we find ourselves in a situation where supposed superiority fails and we break down to where can't handle things anymore
We become so enthralled with ourselves and the 'good' things about us that we put God on the shelf and move on.
I believe that one simple line, when applied, could break apart our pride, but also allow our fear of helpless times to be taken away. Simply
"God is bigger"
First off God is bigger than us. We need to dispense with the notion that there is anything particularly special or great about us. God is 'stronger, faster, better, bigger, smarter' and everything else more than us.
But more than God is bigger than me or you, He is bigger than our circumstances and fears
I'm often reminded of the Veggie Tales sing along "God is bigger than the boogie man, He's bigger than godzilla, or the monsters on TV...and He's watching out for you and me.
Such a simple song and as a kid I remember believing that God had all the monsters taken care of (which I for sure thought were real).
Today though, we find it much harder to have faith for the littlest things not to mention the big ones. I mean if our faith in God when we were children could take care of the fear of ravenous monsters, what has happened for us to believe that God will provide for us with all of our needs.
We need to get back to the GOD IS BIGGER mentality before we can try and put our faith in Him. If we don't believe that God is bigger that how will we have faith that He can get us through our tough times,
God is bigger. He's bigger than my exams, my relationships, my finances, my future, my (insert entire vocabulary here)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Why I hate snow

Long story short

1) Decided to go see a movie (mistake)
2) Stuck in parking lot (5-10 minutes)
3)Out of parking lot and off to the movie (15 minute drive)
4) Park on opposite side of the parking lot of the movie theater (mistake)
5)See movie Be Kind Rewind with Jack black
6) Finish movie and walk AROUND the theater to get to the car (mistake)
7)Back to school parking lot, decide to drive to back of parking lot (mistake)
8) Stuck at the back of the parking lot, 4 guys help push car out (10 minutes)
9) Middle of the parking lot stuck again, same guys come and push me out (10 minutes)
10) Decide to turn into parking space (biggest mistake), car no longer works in reverse
11) 4 guys come back AGAIN, help push car into new space (20 minutes)
Now is the part you ask why? Well if you know me than you know that if I decide to do something, than you can pretty much guarantee that I'll follow through with it
tonight was a night that I should've called it quits before I started
The snow won tonight
But the sun is on my side

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Part 2

With so many blogs out there with discontinued part ones and half-hearted part two's i think it's time for a solid part 2 blog
part 1's always get the most attention, the most comments, and clearly has the most effort put into it
with part two's dragging behind in their follow ups and they're "coming soon" is never soon enough
i mean common if you've got enough in your head to write "part 1" in the title then you shouldn't be skimping on the part two, you should save your best so the readers come back and are amazed its even better than the stuff you wrote the first time around
part 2 needs more respect, it's been humiliated enough and it's time for a comeback
so here's what you can do
if you don't have a blog
get one
and borrow this one start you off
if you do have a blog
make your part 2's even sweeter from now on and make your part one's a little more sucky
just to make the part 2's feel better about themselves after being mistreated so much in the past
let part two come in first for once